yeah, sorry everyone for not having a real comic up for today. i’m just lacking the energy and inspiration to come up with an original comic tonight. maybe friday.
i just got back from my magical adventure downtown. it started out with a trip to my history tutorial, and then coincidentally enough a history lecture! then several libraries (including getting lost in trinity college) and then to union station to see if they had lockers (they took the lockers out of union station… bastards). then to the horseshoe tavern because bic runga was playing and i like her, and there was no cover and i like not paying money for things. had a drink, ‘caught some music. then to subway (the sandwich shop, not the subway) where i found out that they discontinued hearty italian bread (bastards). and then i went to the real subway and went home… and here i am.
and is it just me, or are there more homeless people out on the street asking for change during winter than in summer. what, do they fly south for the summer or something? here’s what i propose! all the old canadian snowbirds (you know… the old retired people who fly south for the winter to avoid the harsh grueling canadian winters), well all their houses are going to be empty. so we put all the homeless people in their houses while their gone to fill the empty space! problem solved!
so yeah. i think my little streak of writing rants is done for now. i can’t think of anything else that really pisses me off, but that’s probably just because i’m getting sleepy (it was the tryptophan in that turkey sub). i mean, it’s not like there’s a shortage of things that piss me off. my next rant will probably be about bush attacking iraq or midgets or something… hopefully i’ll be a little more energetic on friday.