#306: second city bound

By admin, February 10, 2003

i love this comedic device, always have. but i didn’t really realise until i took a gander at the last few comics sequentially just how much i really use it. i’ll try to come up with more dynamic comics if and when i post in the future. but until then, be thankful for the table scrabs i’m leaving you.

well thank you for the outpouring of sympathy i got over the weekend (melissa), and i’m feeling much more human than i was… still stuffy (but that’s a concomitant of winter months regardless of colds), and sore throat / losing voice, but i never say anything in public anyways so that’s less of an issue. it pissed me off though, because i was supposed to go skiing this weekend, and couldn’t due to lack of energy. so instead i spent large portions of my friday night and weekend afternoons in various campus libraries (damn essay). i’ll probably spend a large part of next weekend in the library’s too, exemplifying the sad sad life i lead… valentines day AND the start of reading week and me in a library… life is a harsh mistress.

as for reading week, i hope to not have a repeat of my boring christmas break, so i’ve got visits with prae (which will possibly result in drunken pictures for you all) and drew (who still owes me $10) planned, and then possibly skiing. not that this relates to anything that is of interest for you, but i have precious little else to talk about today (obviously).

i would love to give you a link or a rant, but i’m fresh out of both. however if anybody would like to send me a link to post or a topic to rant about, i will possibly obilige on wednesday… keep ’em coming boys. until then, i’ve got readings to do, so for now i bid you adieu.