hohoho today is christmas but even a religious holiday can’t stop the mad mad humour factory that is 3fs!!! we’re still here cranking out the phattest and freshest comics since the advent of the internet, rocking your world much like an early nineties guns n’ roses show… here’s hoping that you’re all having the most grooved-out of christmases and that all your crew are in comfort and happiness now and for the rest of their lives.
continuing on (as i often do) i give you the first ever 3fs christmas day comic. i gots to give my mad, mad, mad props to dillinger for this one; it’s his brainchild that he didn’t even tell me about. to paraphrase him, he blew half my mind out of my head and i nearly pissed myself reading it.
continuing on (i told you), the 3fs store is not quite online yet, but it’s coming very soon. sorry to get your hopes up a little too early; i don’t wanna go halfway on it. it’ll be up soon, i promise. well, it is christmas (eve), and so i’m gonna make myself scarce. again, nothing but the best of wishes for you and your in the new year and every one to come! remember: 3fs loves you!