#008: the real issue deciding the youth vote…

By admin, November 17, 2000

wow… three comics in three days. election2000 coverage is unstoppable here at 3fs. more importantly though is the celebration that we are officially online and ready to rock: temporary server, temporary website address, and a temporary logo, but the secret is now out. no longer is this simply “project x”- it’s now 3 finger salute, the site meter is reset to zero, and the world is welcome. i’m gone for the weekend- i hope to find an overwhelming amount of hits waiting when i get back, thus prompting me to hurry up and secure our permanent server and website address. there is still a lot of work to be done around here, and even the fundamental design of the page isn’t set in stone- i continue to get praised from the left (dillinger), and , i continue to have my hard work scoffed at from the right (corrine). who is correct? well, for now, dillinger, because i don’t want to do any more webwork. at any rate, here is 3fs in all (most) of its glory- we sincerly hope you enjoy it. remember: check back often over the coming weeks!